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I am Afraid to Forget Your Face
Directed by: Sameh Alaa
2020 – Fiction – EG/FR/QA/BE – 14 min
Arabic with English subtitles

After being separated for 82 days, Adam travels down a rough road to be reunited with the one he loves, whatever it takes.

So What if the Goats Die?
Directed by: Sofia Alaoui
2019 – Fiction – FR – 2019 – 23 min
Berber with English subtitles

High in the Atlas Mountains, the young shepherd Abdellah and his father are hemmed in by snow at their goat pen. Their animals are wasting away. Abdellah must go to find supplies at a market village more than a day’s walk away. When he arrives with his mule, he finds the village
abandoned due to a strange event that has wreaked havoc on the lives of all believers.

2020 – fiction – SU/QA – 20 min
Directed by: Suzannah Mirghani
Arabic with English subtitles

In a cotton-farming village in Sudan, 15-year-old Nafisa has a crush on Babiker, but her parents have arranged her marriage to Nadir, a young Sudanese businessman living abroad. Nafisa’s grandmother Al-Sit, the powerful village matriarch, has her own plans for Nafisa’s future. But can Nafisa choose for herself?

Maradona’s Legs (Ijrain Maradona)
Directed by: Firas Khoury
2019 – Fiction – PS/DE – 2019 – 23 min
Arabic with English subtitles

During the 1990 World Cup, two young Palestinian boys are looking for “Maradona’s legs”; the last missing sticker that they need in order to complete their world cup album and win a free Atari.

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